Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Gallop's finding on improving employee engagement Part II

Transformation isn’t easy, but it is possible
Engagement doesn’t happen by accident; it takes intentional execution, hard work, and perseverance to master the integration of each of these four critical components. Top-performing companies are focused on outcomes. They define and rigorously measure success at every level in the organization in a way that focuses every person, team, department, and business unit on driving performance and results.
To be sure, transformation isn’t easy. It requires a lot of energy and effort to initiate change, and even more to build on that momentum. But it is possible.
As Gallup’s research shows, the benefits are tremendous for businesses that get it right.
These businesses are more productive and profitable. They are more likely to retain top talent and attract new talent because their engaged culture differentiates them from other workplaces. They get the most from their employees by tapping into their passion, potential, and discretionary efforts. And they get the most from their customers when employees become brand ambassadors for the company and learn to maximize each customer interaction. These companies consistently outperform their competitors, and they consistently grow and thrive—even in challenging economic times.
Right now, if your business is like most, only about one-third of your employees are committed to your company’s success. And that’s clearly not enough to overcome the two-thirds of your workforce standing in their way. So, while doubling engagement may seem like an uphill climb, it’s easier than justifying a company’s downhill slide.

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